Publications & Good News

current issues

The latest of the latest.


Berlin mountaineer

to the online presence of the DAV Berlin


Courage Magazine

To the magazine

September 2021

the woman from Rosenheim

to the magazine

older editions

It's been a while and is a wild mix, but still worth reading, listening to or watching.

April 2019

the Allgäu woman

to the magazine

fresh industries 2018

Climax Magazine

to the magazine

April/May 2017

Rosenheimer Journal

to the magazine

December 2016 - first article

OVB Heimatzeitung

to the magazine

and many more...

BR Heimatrauschen, the Bergsteiger Magazine, FAZ, Lifeverde, Lizzy Magazine, Tiroler Tageszeitung, only positive news, Ispo Magazine, Global Magazine, and many more... we thank everyone for their support!