photo competition
Send us a photo of you and your NEWSEED product and win a voucher for a purchase in our online shop. We look forward to seeing what adventures you are on.
1. Take a nice photo:
Summit photo, urban look, or even product photo… Let your creativity run wild.
Tip: Be careful which background you choose. You don't have to be in the picture if you don't want to.
2. Then send us up to 3 high-resolution photos by email to shop(at)
Please let us know how and where your photo(s) were taken.
We post selected photos on social media.
Don't forget to tell us your fb & Instagram name/account and like us so we can link you to the post.
3. If we select one or more of your photos for a post, we will give you a 15 € voucher* for a purchase in our shop.
If your photo(s) are not selected for a post, you will still receive a 5 € voucher* for a purchase in our shop.
We will send you the voucher code by email.
*excluded are shipping costs, as our shop system unfortunately does not allow this at the moment
conditions of participation
(1) Each participant may submit up to three images once as part of the voucher campaign. The image(s) must be submitted as an attachment in an email in digital JPEG format.
(2) The submitted image(s) must be sent to shop(at) for submission.
(3) A submitted image must be at least 1200 pixels x 1200 pixels in size
(4) By sending the picture(s) to us by email, the participant agrees to the conditions of participation, the granting of rights of use and the release from liability.
Rights of use, liability exemption by the participant
(1) All participants grant NEWSEED GmbH, free of charge, unlimited spatial and temporal usage rights to the submitted images, including the right to optimize the image for printing and to show it as part of an exhibition. It does not matter in which media this takes place, i.e. print, online, film and social media portals such as Facebook and Instagram.
(2) The participant guarantees that he/she can dispose of the above rights and that the submitted image is his/her own, that he/she has all rights to the submitted image, has unrestricted exploitation rights to all parts of the image, that the image is free of third-party rights and that no personal rights are violated when depicting people. The participant has obtained the necessary consents from those affected for persons, works, trademarks or other objects depicted therein. The participant will confirm the above in writing upon request. Should third parties nevertheless assert claims for violation of their rights, the participant releases NEWSEED GmbH from all claims.